Tonight, the sun will set
We will see the night return
Though all the darker spirits
Hide away during day and night likewise

We will meet with our friends and lovers
And tell them we miss them so
But we will never again remember
What inspired us to call them by their names

Tonight, we abandon all hope
Clinging instead to the inspiration and drive
Required to deal with the worst outcomes
That haunt our darkest days

The night returns for its pound of flesh
We wonder what happened to the one it belonged to
Where he or she was led astray, down what
Dark corners they met their end

Black as night, the cold reaches
For your throat and grasps
Burning off your nose and fingers
The cold returns tonight

But fret not, for all things will go with time
You are only here for a short while
While you are here you may see
The difference between the hottest days and coldest nights.

0 Replies to “Poem 12”

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